Spherical sounds pulled from the air Live performance: 25 Jan 2004 -- Presented by: FlorianWittenburg Public: unknown MuseumKurhaus? Kleve -- Germany http://museumkurhaus.de/
FlorianWittenburg uses Kyma to do sound engineering for a Theremin recital. Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):
FlorianWittenburg used Kyma to do sound engineering for a concert featuring Lydia Kavina (a grand niece of Leon Theremin and Theremin virtuoso). Although Wittenburg could have used standard devices like amps, mixers, and recorders for this particular performance, he used the event as an opportunity to test out his new setup in preparation for the premiere of his own music in an upcoming concert on 27 April in Utrecht. Florian used Kyma to mix the Theremin with a tape part (and to match their levels since the signal from the tape was 16 times the signal from the Theremin). He also used Kyma filters to remove some mid/high resonances in the room. During the dress rehearsal, Lydia asked him if he could record the performance, so he also used Kyma for that purpose during the concert.