David Mooney's piece WMD: Naming Names was performed at the Zeppelin 2004 convocation On Agreement and Conflict, Barcelona, May 19-22. The event will be repeated in Zaragoza in September 2004.
WMD: Naming Names answers the question, "Where are the weapons of mass destruction?" by listing the names of all acknowledged nuclear explosions detonated since 1945. Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):
Mooney's piece Pin Drop was part of the 3rd Rencontres Musiques Nouvelles in Lunel, France on June 6, Electrolune day (http://www.decadanse.org/rencontres04/prog6juin.htm). Pieces were played at several locations in Lunel over portable CD players. Pin Drop was composed in response to a conference in which a majority of the pieces were of the wall-of-noise school. Most of the sounds in the piece derive from a recording of a pin dropped onto a metal cookie sheet, all done in Kyma.
For more background on Mooney, his music, and the tri-axial weaving technique he invented, visit: http://www.city-net.com/~moko/