Yasuski has invented a new musical instrument: the Mbiraski intelligent thumb piano. He used a CAD system to fabricate the bridge and used titanium bicycle spokes for the blades. The spokes are affixed to the bridge by screws in order to allow the performer to easily retune the instrument. Piezoelectric sensors under the bridge detect the sound without extraneous noise.
Here's the sound of the Mbiraski alone: http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~yaski99/realaudio/mbiraski02.mp3
And here it is being performed through the AudioHologram: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~MZ2Y-YSD/realaudio/mbiraski.mp3
Yasuski will be performing live on the Mbiraski, Kyma, and the Continuum fingerboard on November 20th at the Temple Myorenji Kyoto, starting at 14:30, in collaboration with Japanese traditional dancer Yuhoh. (For details, telephone:++075-451-3527) Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):