In his fifth collaboration with Swiss choreographer Gilles Jobin, Cristian Vogel completed the sound design and music for Text to Speech exclusively in Kyma. Performed on 6 speakers, with front of house system, for a total of 7 sound sources and 8 sound emitters, the music draws its inspiration from shortwave and Very Low Frequency radio, the ambience and sonic palettes of natural radio, espionage counting stations, and radio hammers in addition to synthetic voices reading warped texts. Vogel composed the music on site in Annecy and Barcelona using the latest version of his track-dependent spectral resynthesis and modification design, dubbed Spectral Fire, to yield an array of track-dependent spectral delays, waveshaping, transposition and smearing. For more information on the music, the choreography, and the performances, see the website. Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):