Imaginary Films in Tel Aviv Concert: 25 Sep 2009 -- Presented by: AviBenjamin Public: Gesher Theatre, Jerusalem Blvd. 9 Tel Aviv -- Israel
Avi Benjamin and Michael Vaisburd presented their new collaboration project, 'AVI Channel', on September 25, 2009 in Tel Aviv. Envisioned as "sound tracks from imaginary films", AVI Channel embodies the artistic partners' energetic embrace of all music and sound genres, from classical to rock to jazz to electronic, to opera, to world music, live voice-processing, and even cuckoo clocks. Beethoven is a trope on a Beethoven piano sonata evoking Berio's Sinfonia in the logic and richness of its overlays of textures and styles. Did you ever have the feeling? is at various points lively, humorous, wild, and zen. Seated in a cabaret setting, the audience is treated to an energetic spectacle including a full-sized Continuum controlling Pacarana aggregate and additive synthesis, a couple of electronic keyboards, a grand piano, "virtual" performers appearing iChat-like on laptop screens and a trumpet player placed in the audience. Benjamin and Vaisburd are, respectively, musical director and sound designer for the Gesher Theatre, and their sense for staging and drama, along with Benjamin's training as a classical pianist and composer are very much in evidence. The audience responded enthusiastically and is now primed and ready for the next installment in this ongoing project. Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):