SEAM 2010 Conference: 15-16 Oct 2010 -- Presented by: GarthPaine Public: Symposium 1 day pass standard $35.00 or pass with entry to GLOW $50.00 The Seymour Centre, Center of City Road and Cleveland St., Chippendale Sydney -- Australia
Garth Paine was one of the organizers of SEAM 2010, a two day Symposium (15 and 16 October 2010) at the Seymour Centre in Sydney. The focus of the symposium was on Embodiment in Digitally Mediated Environments and included public talks and artist performances/presentations by local and international Artists, including a showing of Stelarc's Articulated Head and an evening with one of Australia's leading dance companies, Chunky Move, performing GLOW, a work where the dancers manipulate and play with projected light in real time. Symposium attendees were also invited to experience Garth Paine's WiiMirror, an interaction-experiment in which two people stand back-to-back and attempt to synchronize the movement of their hand-held Wiimote controllers, guided only by sound. Discussion(Eyewitness reports, descriptions, discussion):