Heard any radio advertisments for the London Transport recently? If so, then the chances are you were hearing some of Pete Johnston's Kyma-morphing handiwork. Pete and The Tape Gallery have created a series of 13 radio ads encouraging listeners to take the bus by morphing from the sounds of the bus engine, bell, or "hold tight please" into the sounds of exciting locations like the swimming pool, an aerobics class, an open-air market, etc, and including one exquisite 4-part polyphonic morph into the sound track of a romantic movie and a guy sobbing as he watches it ending with the motto, "We make London simple." Discussion(Descriptions, reviews, discussion):
In something of a morphing frenzy these days, Pete is also doing several morphing ads for NTL, an internet service provider in the UK whose motto is "technology tamed," hence morphs from lions into kittens, heavy metal thrash into Celtic harp, Vincent-Price-like demonic pipe organ into seaside harmonium, etc.