kyma付weaky . Connect . O20001205AlbumJeanLewis

Aliens On Line
Album: 05 Dec 2000
By: NikGreen

Aliens On Line, recorded at Alien Head Studios and mastered at Capitol Records, is the album from The Away Team. Featuring complex layering, intricate modulations, and lyrics dealing with the role of extraterrestrials in our collective future, the album is also a virtual compendium of what can be done with Kyma's granular synthesis, granular processing, vocoding, additive and pseudo-analog synthesis. NikGreen and Penny Little Savage are veteran musicians as evidenced in their mastery over the wide range of styles heard on the album容verything from radio-friendly synth pop, to abstract musique concrete, to dark orchestral scores that would make suitable soundtracks for the next X-Files movie. The music is intelligent and humorous, too.

Discussion (Descriptions, reviews, discussion):

The Away Team has been getting a lot of radio airplay for their own style of "quirky electronic pop" in Brazil, New Jersey and San Francisco. On WOND AM in New Jersey, Penny and Nik did an hour long talk show interview, and their album was played during the afternoon. In San Francisco and Brazil, they were also on radio playlists. You can buy their Aliens Online album through FlightCloud (and pick up some fun extra-terrestrial-theme swag while you're at it).

----- Revision r1.2 - 26 May 2004 - 21:22 GMT - JeanLewis
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