kyma•tweaky . Connect . O20060605AlbumJeanLewis

Magic Stones
Album: 5 Jun 2006
By: RobertJarvis

Robert Jarvis handed marbles to school children telling them, "This is a magic stone. When you hold this stone in your hand and close your eyes, you will hear something." Magically, the children did hear things--sounds in the environment they had never noticed before. Magic Stones the CD is itself a magic stone; once you've heard the "environmental" sounds on this disk organized as music you hear the world in a new way. Jarvis' music exemplifies Jacques Attali's prediction that the future economy of music will be based on the process of composing, not on finished pieces or objects; Jarvis always engages the "audience" (ranging from professional musicians to children) in the process of composing. Available on Motile as a download or as a physical CD.

Discussion (Descriptions, reviews, discussion):

----- Revision r1.6 - 24 Jun 2006 - 20:04 GMT - KurtHebel
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