kyma•tweaky . Connect . O20080513AlbumJeanLewis

Costey and Black Holes
Album: 13 May 2008
By: RichCostey

Producer Rich Costey described Kyma as "unbelievably deep" in an interview he did last year with EQ Magazine. Discussing a track called Supermassive Black Hole from the recent Muse album Black Holes and Revelations, Costey wrote: "...I processed a whole bunch of samples through a Kyma system which I have, which is basically just an open architecture sound designer box and you can build whatever you want. It's unbelievably deep - it's like a black hole of sound design. It's similar in context to Reactor, but I think it's much deeper and it sounds incredible. A lot of the drums on that track were processed by a Kyma. The sounds that are jumping out, and the fills and stuff, that's all processed by the Kyma."

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----- Revision r1.1 - 14 May 2008 - 18:55 GMT - JeanLewis
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