Check for updates... Software: 02 Feb 2010 By: CarlaScaletti
Did you know that you can check for free Kyma software updates any time you like by selecting Check for updates... from the Help menu in Kyma? Make sure you are benefiting from all the latest features and improvements. Read Discussion(Descriptions, reviews, discussion):
Here are just a few highlights from recent releases:
Replicator, Prefixer, and Timelines now transfer the properties of the replicated widgets to the new, numbered copies of those widgets!
SampleCloud now accepts stereo samples
Annotation now includes options to display text as fly-by help (to save precious Virtual Control Surface real estate) and to automatically include controller mappings as part of the the annotation (helpful reminders during a live performance)
There is a new CapyTalk message: countTriggersReset:
Added a new Smalltalk message: varTimesRepeat: (allows you to repeat a block of code a variable number of times.
And on the Paca(rana):
Added support for Prism Sound Orpheus, MOTU 828 mk3 and MOTU Traveler mk3
Smoothed the Scale parameter of AR and ADSR envelopes so you can use a controller to smoothly modulate the amplitude of a note (tremolo) while it is playing
New CapyTalk expression for providing a seed to any expression containing one or more random generator(s)