kyma•tweaky . How . ChangeValuesOnKeyDown

Question (or Task)

I have a controller that I would like to have change on the next key down. Is there any way I can do this?


Yes! In Kyma X, there is a new expression sampleAndHold: that you can use to do this. If, for example, you had the following in a parameter field:


and you want to be able to change the value of !Fader1 while a key is down (without altering the sound), replace the expression in the parameter field with:

!KeyDown sampleAndHold: !Fader1

Now, the old value of !Fader1 will be used until a new key down occurs.

-- KurtHebel - 16 Oct 2003

Question: How do I make a control change value at the next key down?
Keywords: sample and hold, key down, trigger, parameter fields

----- Revision r1.1 - 16 Oct 2003 - 18:09 GMT - KurtHebel
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