kyma•tweaky . How . ConfigureControlFaders

Question (or Task)

Currently I just received my Kyma system. I was going to buy the 8 fader box that kyma is pre set for.. But right now i have a Keystation Pro 88 and a control 24 digidesign board. I was wondering if there was ways that i can use either one of those till I have the money to grab the 8 fader pack motomix.

Thank You


-- MarkPamatat - 06 Jul 2007


Kyma responds to any MIDI source (fader box, keyboard, software), so you can use the fader boxes you have to send MIDI continuous controllers to Kyma.

-- CarlaScaletti - 07 Jul 2007

In the hot parameter field, press ESC and move the fader you want to assign. Done!

-- KarlMousseau - 16 Jul 2007

Keywords: Keystation Pro 88

----- Revision r1.2 - 16 Jul 2007 - 22:01 GMT - KarlMousseau
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