kyma•tweaky . How . CreatePortamento

Question (or Task)

How a portamento like effect can be created between presets or when dice is pressed?

-- ChrisParmenidis - 10 Mar 2005


In Kyma X.1 there is an InterpolatePresets Sound. Take your Sound that has the presets and make it be the input to an InterpolatePresets Sound. Then you can use an Event Value (like a fader or a keyboard or the pen control or a random-number-generating expression) to interpolate (like portamento) between the preset's values.

To get a similar effect when rolling the dice, you could put the smoothed message after each of your parameters, for example:

!Frequency smoothed
-- CarlaScaletti - 10 Mar 2005

Question: How can I create a portamento-like effect when changing presets or when the dice is rolled?
Keywords: portamento, InterpolatePresets?

----- Revision r1.3 - 22 Mar 2005 - 15:55 GMT - KurtHebel
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