kyma•tweaky . How . CreateSoundFromAImage

Question (or Task)

Now knowing Kyma can take any data stream and use it to control sound, I wonder if it is possible to extract the data from an image or photograph and use that data to make sound? Could this data be turned into a waveform for an oscillator to generate?

MichaelMeyer - 07 Sep 2008


The key is deciding how you want to map the two dimensional image into time-varying one dimensional parameter(s) or signals.

Dennis Miller wrote an article in a recent Electronic Musician magazine surveying software for translating pictures into sound. Once you have an audio signal you can bring it into Kyma to control parameters of other audio signals.

For going in the other direction, you might want to contact Photonal to ask him how he is controlling images using Kyma and Quartz Composer.

Also CamilleTroillard has an application called OSCulator which, among other things, can control Quartz Composer and Kyma from the same controllers.

Question: How do I create sound based off an image file's data?
Keywords: Sound from image photograph graphic data stream

----- Revision r1.2 - 07 Sep 2008 - 15:53 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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