kyma•tweaky . How . DoepferGlobalMap

Question (or Task)

Has anybody tried using Doepfer's Pocket Dial (16 high quality endless rotary encoders -alpha dials-, manufacturer: ALPS) as a controller for Kyma? I'm searching for help writing a global map for this tool. POCKET DIAL is a MIDI control box with 16 endless rotary encoders. This enables a jump-less change of parameters - provided that the device or software controlled by POCKET DIAL features data feedback of the new starting data after a preset change as POCKET DIAL needs the starting values of the parameters of the new preset. How can I get this data feedback from the Capybara?

-- HermannBeyer - 29 Nov 2003

hi hermann. i just submitted a similar question to the How section. maybe we're talking about the same thing here, but i wasn't looking to write a global map (or was i?).. just wondering if Kyma was compatible with the Pocket Dial's controls....

-- TaylorDeupree - 31 Jan 2004


May be you can use this expression

-- KarlMousseau - 31 Jan 2004

Question: How do I create a global map for the Doepfer Pocket Dial?
Keywords: Doepfer, Pocket Dial, Global map, MIDI controllers

----- Revision r1.4 - 10 Feb 2004 - 17:25 GMT - KurtHebel
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