kyma•tweaky . How . FigureOutNumberFFTBands

Question (or Task)

How many FFT bands correspond to the different frequency radio boxes in the frequency analysis window? Also, what is the maximum amount of bands you can get Kyma to analyze/resysthesize in realtime.

-- BenjaminWynn - 21 Mar 2007


In the SpectralAnalysis? module (or the SpectralAnalysis? Tool), you can choose a frequency corresponding to the lowest frequency that can be analyzed. (The FFT module does not have radio buttons for Frequency as the SpectralAnalysis? modules do).

1F corresponds to 512 bands (starting at around 42 hz and spaced 42 hz apart), 2F corresponds to 256 bands, 3F 128 bands, etc.

-- CarlaScaletti - 22 Mar 2007

Question: How many FFT bands correspond to the different frequency radio boxes in the frequency analysis window? Also, what is the maximum amount of bands you can get Kyma to analyze/resysthesize in realtime.
Keywords: FFT Bands Analyze Resynthesize

----- Revision r1.2 - 22 Mar 2007 - 13:48 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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