kyma•tweaky . How . PocketDialAndKyma

Question (or Task)

as much as i'd like to get myself a MotorMix?... i'm trying to use my Doepfer Pocket Dial to control Kyma. i have everything hooked up, but when i assign a knob to a Kyma VCS widget, and turn the PocketDial? knob.. the widget jumps from the bottom to the top, and back and forth.. it does not move smoothly. i'm fairly positive that this has to do with the PocketDial?'s continuous +1/-1 function..(instead of sending absolute values).... so.. is it possible to use the Pocket Dial to control Kyma? or am i out of luck?

-- TaylorDeupree - 31 Jan 2004


Please see DoepferGlobalMap for a discussion of this.

Question: How do I use the Doepfer Pocket Dial to control Kyma?
Keywords: doepfer, pocket dial

----- Revision r1.2 - 10 Feb 2004 - 17:28 GMT - KurtHebel
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