kyma•tweaky . How . PrezeroARecordingInRAM

Question (or Task)

I'm having troubles with things lingering in memory. For example when using the Memory Writer which is being fed by a Generic Source from disk, if I change the audio file that the Generic Source is pointing to, I sometimes get pieces of the old audio file spliced into the new audio file.

-- SimonAmarasingham - 08 Feb 2004


For the time being, the only way to prezero a chunk of memory is to:

(One of the things on our list for future improvements is to make it easier to zero a specific chunk of sample ram).

-- CarlaScaletti - 08 Feb 2004

Hi there ... any word on whether this "future improvement" has been implemented. I suddenly find myself using a lot of Memory Writers and this would be a big help.

-- MarkPhillips - 21 Aug 2009

Question: How can I pre-zero the sample RAM so I don't hear recordings left over from a previous recording?
Keywords: MemoryWriter, zeroing memory, garbage in memory, pre-zeroing sample ram

----- Revision r1.2 - 21 Aug 2009 - 02:03 GMT - MarkPhillips
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