kyma•tweaky . How . RecordToLiveInputToDisk

Question (or Task)

I'd like to record a live microphone input to a disk file.


Method Pro Con Best uses
Tape Recorder Tool Easy to set up Can't schedule it for a certain time, works on mono/stereo input only Record mic input or audio from another device
DiskRecorder with AudioInput Records any Sound, can schedule in Timeline Have to give duration estimate Record at a specific time (e.g., in Timeline)
Timeline with AudioInput Easy to record up to 8 channels at once Have to drag 8 AudioInputs into Timeline and route each to its own output channel Multichannel recording

-- CarlaScaletti - 08 Oct 2003

Question: How can I record live audio input to the disk?
Keywords: Recording, Disk files, DiskRecorder, AudioInput, Tape Recorder Tool, Timeline, Surround, Spatializing

----- Revision r1.3 - 15 Oct 2003 - 22:20 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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