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I want to know how many midi notes are currently in a play state, or perhaps know which midi note is currently active. During the Kyma immersion weekend that I had attended in the past, I have a vague memory of Carla creating a sound and using some sort of parameter such as this. I can't find any reference to this online or in Kyma X Revealed, and I know I know I should have kept my notes from the session.

It was a very cool effect during a very cool weekend in spite of the hot hot weather!

-- EdmundEagan - 26 Sep 2004


If all you need is a count of how many MIDI keys are currently playing, you could try the sum of all the !KeyDowns. To get this, you could create a MIDIVoice of a Constant whose Value is set to

!KeyDown abs
Since a Sound can't have an output value larger than 1, set the Left and Right scales on the MIDIVoice to be the inverse of the polyphony. Also, tic the Shared box in the MIDIVoice so it doesn't eat up all the KeyDowns that are intended for triggering your envelopes.

To generate a hot value containing the number of keys held down, get a SoundToGlobalController and paste your MIDIVoice into the Value field. To scale it back up to its proper range, mutliply it by the polyphony, so for example if your polyphony is 8, it would be:

[aSoundToGlobalCTRL] L * 8

Then the GeneratedEvent could be named something like !NbrKeysDown.

"It was a very cool effect during a very cool weekend in spite of the hot hot weather!" And you were the very last people who got to see the haunted office on the mezzanine floor. We saw his relatives loading up a U-Haul truck with his belongings just a few weeks later.

-- CarlaScaletti - 26 Sep 2004

Question: How do I report the number of midi notes currently playing?
Keywords: number of midi notes

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