kyma•tweaky . How . RollTheDiceUsingAMIDISwitch

Question (or Task)

How can I step through VCS presets or roll the dice using a MIDI footswitch?


Program change 126 selects the next preset in the list (exactly like the down arrow key on the keyboard), 127 selects the previous preset (like the up arrow key), and 128 rolls the dice (just like 'r' on the keyboard).

The same program changes work to step from marker to marker or jump to a random marker in the Timeline.

-- CarlaScaletti - 14 Jan 2004

Question: How can I step through VCS presets or roll the dice using a MIDI footswitch?
Keywords: dice, random, VCS presets, MIDI program changes 126-128

----- Revision r1.2 - 21 Jan 2004 - 16:37 GMT - KurtHebel
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