kyma•tweaky . How . ScaleGlobalController |
[AmplitudeFollower] L * 100
, you have scaled the output by 100. (You could use a fader as the scale: [AmplitudeFollower] L * !Fader
, and use the VCS editor to change the range of the fader to be larger than 0 to 1.)
-- KurtHebel - 04 Feb 2004
I find both solutions valuable. While working in the value field of SoundToGlobalController is the easiest way, using Constant allows to feed multiple inputs.
-- KarlMousseau - 04 Feb 2004
I like using a seperate Constant module because it alows me to scope at different points while testing, but it does give an extra 1 ms delay to the signal compared to using the SoundToGlobalController field method.
-- PeteJohnston - 05 Feb 2004
Hi Pete,
that's this kind of delay (in this case it's only a controller delay)
that I would like to see automatically monitored by Kyma, a kind
of LatencyMeter.
-- KarlMousseau - 05 Feb 2004
Hi Karl
This delay is only for pasted modules that can only ever be controller signals. It has nothing to do with audio signals.
-- PeteJohnston - 06 Feb 2004
WebForm | |
Question: | How can I scale a SoundToGlobalController? |
Keywords: | scale |
----- Revision r1.8 - 06 Feb 2004 - 13:04 GMT - PeteJohnston