kyma•tweaky . How . SendMIDINoteToTwoSounds

Question (or Task)

I am confused about the behavior in the Timeline when multiple tracks are all assigned to the same MIDI channel number.

Take a Sample that is gated on with !KeyDown. Put it in track 1. Put another in track 2 (use a different sample). Set each track to MIDI channel 1. The samples play alternately, rather than at the same time.

I wanted to use a MIDI keyboard to trigger various sound effects - different Kyma processes in different tracks of a Timeline. Obviously all of the note-ons are on the same MIDI channel. How can I make this work?

-- BillMeadows - 16 Feb 2004


Two ways to get the effect you want:

Sounds on different tracks having the same MIDI channel turn into the construction:

Mixer (MIDIVoice(S1), MIDIVoice(S2))

If you put both Sounds into a Mixer and place them on the same track (OR put a MIDIVoice onto each Sound, leaving them in different tracks), iit turns into:

MIDIVoice (Mixer (S1, S2))

-- CarlaScaletti - 19 Feb 2004

Question: How can I control two or more tracks with the same MIDI note event stream (on the same channel?)
Keywords: MIDI in Timeline, MIDI notes in Timeline

----- Revision r1.3 - 19 Feb 2004 - 16:12 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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