kyma•tweaky . How . SplitConsonantsAndVowels

Question (or Task)

I’d like to split up a speech signal into vowels and consonants. One (pretty crude) way to do it would be to use simply a threshold/gate (the inverse then for the ‘consonants’). But there must be more intelligent ways to accomplish something like this...probably with spectral tracking, as the consonants tend to be more noisy than the vowels... Are there examples for this in the library or on the tweaky? (didn't find anything on first glance) Thanks. Cheers,

-- FlorianWittenburg - 14 Jun 2006


Here are some examples of separating the voiced from unvoiced parts of live speech:

-- CarlaScaletti - 14 Jun 2006

Question: In a speech signal, how can you separate the voiced from unvoiced parts (or vowels and consonants)
Keywords: consonants vowels voiced unvoiced speech

----- Revision r1.1 - 14 Jun 2006 - 14:08 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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