kyma•tweaky . How . UseQuasiharmonicParam

Question (or Task)

I have been curious how to go about using the quasi-harmonic parameters functionality during spectral processing. Everytime I try to use it I get an error message. Is there a certain type of waveform that is expected? What am I doing wrong?

-- BernardHatch - 14 Oct 2004


You are using the tool correctly. Unfortunately, you are running into a bug in the Capybara-66 version of the spectral analysis tool. This bug has been fixed in Kyma X.1 (available for download from the Know section in the near future).

-- KurtHebel - 15 Oct 2004

Question: How do I set the quasi-harmonic spectral analysis so that I do not get an error?
Keywords: quasi-harmonic spectral analysis

----- Revision r1.1 - 15 Oct 2004 - 16:32 GMT - KurtHebel
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