kyma•tweaky . Know . NoStopSoundOnQuitDoes


The Preference for Stop Sound on File Quit is ignored. My sounds always stop on File Quit, even when I set that preference to "No".

-- KellyFitz - 01 Sep 2005


Does your Sound read or write to the hard disk? If so, then Kyma has to close those open files. If you can redesign the Sound to read out of RAM rather than directly off disk, then your Sound should keep playing.

-- CarlaScaletti - 02 Sep 2005

No, my sound doesn't do any disk reading or writing, except that it reads a lot of spc files when it loads. After that, I amjust playing a timbre space with the Continuum.

Also, I should have made clear in my original post that this problem is a recent development. I have been doing this same thing (leaving a timbre space playing when i quit Kyma) for years, and only recently noticed that I couldn't do it anymore.

-- KellyFitz - 29 Sep 2005

Kelly, please try playing something simple (like Clicks in the Prototypes) and quit Kyma to see whether it works. (We tried it here and the Capybara continued to generate sound after quitting Kyma so we are thinking that either there is something particular about the way you have things configured or something particular about that Sound?)

-- CarlaScaletti - 29 Sep 2005

TopicClassification: Solved
BriefDescription?: No Stop Sound on File Quit stops sound on File Quit
OperatingSystem: Mac OSX
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: PowerPC? G4
ClockSpeedInMHz?: Dual 533
RAMInMB?: 512-1023
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320
ExpansionCards?: 12
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: >23
NumberMonitors?: 1
NumberColors?: 32 bit (true color)
GraphicsCard?: NVIDIA GeForce2? MX
OtherHardware?: Continuum

----- Revision r1.5 - 05 Jul 2006 - 15:36 GMT - KurtHebel
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