kyma•tweaky . Know . OscilloscopeNaming

Name of oscilloscope display not transfered to VCS

. For debugging I use a high amount of oscilloscope displays. Unfortunatly how I name them in the Sound file is not copied to their naming in the VCS. I named them there manually but it now happened that the order of the displays got mixed up after recompiling. So their content swapped. VERY confusing.


. (Make the VCS oscilloscope naming according to the respective name in the Sound editor, plase.)

-- MathisNitschke - 11 Oct 2004

It just happened to me that a new oscilloscope displays name was indeed transfered to the VCS. Where is the logic? It seems, once it is touched in the VCS editor it wont "listen" anymore to changes in the sound editor? The name which was now transfered was applied directly after inserting it into the patch. Is that the logic?

-- MathisNitschke - 13 Oct 2004

TopicClassification: Pending
BriefDescription?: Name of oscilloscope display not transfered to VCS
OperatingSystem: Win XP
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: Pentium 4
ClockSpeedInMHz?: 2000
RAMInMB?: 1024-2047
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320
ExpansionCards?: 2
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: 17
NumberMonitors?: 1
NumberColors?: 16 bit (thousands)

----- Revision r1.2 - 13 Oct 2004 - 22:45 GMT - MathisNitschke
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