kyma•tweaky . Know . StereoFlipsRadomly


When I send a mono sound to channel output 1 (timeline or sound), the playback occaisionaly flips over to channel 2! Strangely, the level meters still report playback as occuring correctly on channel 1. This is quite random, and I can't reproduce it with any degree of regularity, save that it happens a couple of times a session. Often this is just after i've maxed-out my dsp.

-- AmbroseField - 13 Jul 2005


Was this at 96 kHz sampling rate?

If you notice it switching, you should be able to resync everything by reselectng the Clock Source in the DSP Status window.

TopicClassification: Pending
BriefDescription?: Sound flips channels
OperatingSystem: Win XP
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: Pentium 4
ClockSpeedInMHz?: 2.4 GHz
RAMInMB?: 128-255
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320
ExpansionCards?: 1
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: 15
NumberMonitors?: 2
NumberColors?: 32 bit (true color)
GraphicsCard?: Matrox

----- Revision r1.2 - 13 Jul 2005 - 15:02 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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