kyma•tweaky . Know . TapeRecorderError


If I use the Tape Recorder to record (I used filename "Untitled" on my Desktop) then re-record to the same file, I consistently get an error message on about the third re-recording, after which the Tape Recorder must be closed and reopened to be used. I'm using the latest version (X.18) on Tiger.



-- LarrySimon - 20 May 2005

TopicClassification: Pending
OperatingSystem: Mac OSX
LapOrDesk?: Desktop
HostProcessor?: PowerPC? G4
ClockSpeedInMHz?: 773
RAMInMB?: 512-1023
CapyInterface?: Flame
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
CapybaraVersion?: Capy320
ExpansionCards?: 2
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: 21
NumberMonitors?: 1
NumberColors?: 24 bit (millions)
GraphicsCard?: nVidia

----- Revision r1.1 - 20 May 2005 - 15:37 GMT - LarrySimon
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