kyma•tweaky . Know . UpdateX71OutOfRealTime


After the X.71 update installed Kyma starts with 'SilentDevice' selected instead of an actual audio interface (tc electronic studiokonnekt 48). After I manually switch the config to the actual audio interface Kyma displays blinking OORT even without any sounds loaded. When I revert the software and the firmware to that of the previously installed version (X.68) everything works fine again.

Carla, I have tried the 'starting without preferences' suggestion. No positive changes. Back to X.68 - the problem's gone.

Sure, I'll wait for the next update because until then I can work with X.68. Thanks!

-- YuriSpitsyn - 10 Nov 2009


Yuri, Please try starting Kyma without the Preferences (by starting Kyma with the caps lock key down). (You will have to re-select your audio interface in the DSP Status window as the default will go to Silent Device). Please let us know if this changes things. Thanks.

Sorry for the inconvenience Yuri! The weird thing is that we were all using the Konnekt 48 under 6.7 for the symposium in Barcelona. So it has to be something that changed in between 6.7 and 6.71. We'll figure out what that was and fix it for 6.72 (and hope it is ok with you to continue using 6.68 in the meantime). Thanks for letting us know!

-- CarlaScaletti - 10 Nov 2009

TopicClassification: Pending
BriefDescription?: Permanent OORT after installing X.71 update
OperatingSystem: Mac OSX, Win XP
HostProcessor?: Other
RAMInMB?: 1024-2047
KymaVersion?: KymaX?
VirtualMemory?: On
MonitorSize?: 21
NumberMonitors?: 2
NumberColors?: 24 bit (millions)
GraphicsCard?: ATI Radeon X1600

----- Revision r1.5 - 11 Nov 2009 - 18:53 GMT - YuriSpitsyn
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