Message | Description | Example | Value |
brownianTrigger: | Generates triggers at time intervals determined by a random walk starting from the argument | !sw01 brownianTrigger: !StartDur s | starts at !StartDur and deviates from there |
brownianTriggerStart:deviation: | Deviation is the maximum change on each step | !sw01 brownianTriggerStart: !StartDur s deviation: !Dev s | starts at !StartDur with random step size of +/- !Dev s |
normalTrigger: | Generates triggers at time intervals drawn from a normal distribution centered around the argument | !sw01 normalTrigger: !NormDur s | !NormDur is the normal duration so most time intervals between triggers will be close to normal |
normalTriggerCenter:deviation: | Deviation is maximum change on each step | !sw01 normalTriggerCenter: !NormDur s deviation: !Dev s | time intervals within +/- !Dev s of !NormDur, most of them close to !NormDur |
randExpTrigger: | Generates triggers at time intervals drawn from an exponential distribution | !sw01 randExpTrigger: !AveDur s | half of the time intervals are less than !AveDur and half are between !AveDur and (24 * {2 ln} * !AveDur ) |
randomTrigger: | Generates triggers at time intervals drawn from a uniform distribution | !sw01 randomTrigger: !AveDur s | random deviations around the average time interval !AveDur s |
randomTriggerCenter:deviation: | Center is the average value, deviation is the maximum change on each step | !sw01 randomTriggerCenter: !AveDur s deviation: !Dev s | random deviations +/- !Dev s around the average !AveDur s |
Message | Description | Example | Value |
alignWith: | Delays the rcvr trigger to align with the argument trigger | !KeyDown alignWith: (1 bpm: !BPM) | delays incoming !KeyDown to align with next beat |
ceiling | the nearest integer that is greater than rcvr | 6.1 ceiling, -6.7 ceiling | 7, -6 |
floor | the nearest integer that is less than rcvr | 3.9 floor, -3.1 floor | 3, -4 |
hasChangedInLast: | true when rcvr has changed in the interval of time given by the argument | !Fader hasChangedInLast: 5 s | true (1) if you have moved !Fader in last 5 s. After that, becomes false |
setReset: | an SR flipflop is true (1) when rcvr is true and false (0) when argument is true (1) | !s setReset: !r | true when !s is true, false when !r is true |
suffix3: | appends a number (the argument) with 3, 4, or more leading zeroes | !Fader suffix4: 7 | !Fader00007 |
switchedOn | trigger on rising edge of rcvr | !Gate switchedOn | 1 ms long trigger when !Gate was a 0 and becomes a 1 |
switchedOff | trigger on falling edge of rcvr | !Gate switchedOff | 1 ms long trigger when !Gate was a 1 and becomes a 0 |
tick | Generates a gate (50% duty cycle) once per time interval given in rcvr | 0.1 s tick | generates a gate once every 0.1 seconds |