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Due to an increase of on-location projects next year the purchase of a laptop becomes inevitable for me. Kyma is definitely going to be involved in some of those projects and in order to make sure that the soft- and hardware works well with my designated notebook i would be very pleased if you could recommend me some well working configurations (only pc notebooks). Thanks a bunch!

-- FlorianWittenburg - 19 December 2003

Any moderately capable laptop will do to run the software. Screen size is a consideration: I would get at least 1024x768. Also, the interface to the Capy is important. For example, if you currently have Firewire, then you will need some form of Firewire interface on the laptop. Some laptops have this built in, others require a PC Card.

-- MichaelMarsh - 19 December 2003

i've been through a number, mostly for work and i like the ibm best so far. they have been rugged and reasonably balance of performance, battery life and features.

my old ibm t21 had one of the best screen i've ever used, 1600x1200 which is rare to find and i don't think they carry anymore.

i also have found the sony's attractive and solid machines by and large. i have not been overly fond with dells and especially displeased with toshiba and gateways.

key features: fast harddrive rpm (or get an external firewire) build in wireless firewire/usb2 and room for lots of RAM (1gig min)

laptops with better video cards are important in that cheaper vidcards may share your RAM and borrow CPU cycles which reduce overall performance.

were i to buy a new pc laptop, i'd take a long long at the new ibm t or x series and samsung q10. currently i use a powerbook for my work and studio laptop.

one thing to know is that the new centrino chips are better than intel past mobile efforts and oft perform better than higher clocked p4 mobile chips with better battery power so you can't simply compare clock speeds like in past intel chipsets.

-- BenPhenix - 19 December 2003

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