kyma•tweaky . Learn . Glossary

Sound Design Glossary

Curious about a term that everyone keeps using but no one ever seems to explain? Add the term in question to this alphabetical list; then sit back and wait for the collective expertise of the Kyma community to enlighten, amuse, and edify. Click on a term to add your own definition, clarification, correction, examples, counterexamples, or amusing anecdotes.

Filter Types


Functional Iteration Synthesis


BPM-Milliseconds-Hertz Reference Chart

ElectroAcoustic Glossary

Connexions: Courses on music, DSP, and other topics.

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing: Free downloadable book on DSP by Steven W. Smith

Contributors to this section: DavidKiers, JoelChadabe, BenPhenix, CarlaScaletti

----- Revision r1.12 - 18 Aug 2007 - 02:35 GMT - BenPhenix
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