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Kyma International Sound Symposium (
The annual Kyma International Sound Symposium includes papers, workshops, demos, and live music presented by Kyma practitioners along with master classes presented by the creators of Kyma. You are invited to learn, to share, to meet, and to enjoy!
Kyma Symposium on Facebook
KISS 2015
: 9-12 August 2015, Bozeman, Montana; organized by
Theo Lipfert
KISS 2014
: 25-28 September 2014, Lübeck, Germany; organized by
Franz Danksagmueller
KISS 2013
: 12-15 September 2013, Brussels, Belgium; organized by
Rudi Giot
KISS 2012
: 13-16 September 2012, St Cloud, Minnesota; organized by
Scott Miller
KISS 2011
: 15-18 September 2011, Porto, Portugal; organized by
Eduardo Magalhaes
KISS 2010
: 24-26 September 2010, Vienna, Austria; organized by
Bruno Liberda
Peter Rantasa
KISS 2009
: 8-10 October 2009, Barcelona, Spain; organized by
Cristian Vogel
Revision r1.8 - 17 Aug 2015 - 19:29 GMT -
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