These are general instructions for making a connection between your Paca(rana) and OSC software or devices.
To use OSC for controlling your Paca or Pacarana, first connect the source of OSC messages to your Paca(rana) using a 100baseT Ethernet cable. The source of OSC may be a hardware controller that has an Ethernet port on it (such as the Jazz Mutant Lemur) or it may be software running on your computer (which has an Ethernet port).
If you are connecting more than one OSC source to the Paca(rana), you will also need an Ethernet hub or Ethernet switch (a switch may be more efficient, but either will work).
If your software or device uses Bonjour (zeroconf) to automatically discover potential OSC partners on the network, then all you have to do is start your application, go to its network configuration or setup page, and select the Pacarana (which will be named beslime-##, where ## is the serial number of your Pacarana) from the list of OSC devices on the network.
If you do not see the Pacarana (beslime) automatically showing up in your software, it is probably because your software or device does not support Bonjour (zeroconf). In this case, you will need to determine the IP address of your Paca(rana) in one of the following ways:
In Kyma, select Status from the DSP menu to open the DSP Status Window. Click the lower left menu called Configure, and select OSC. The dialog displays both the IP address and subnet mask and gives you an option to copy the IP address into your copy buffer for convenient pasting into the set up page of another application.
The Paca(rana)'s IP address is also displayed on its front panel. Using the touch strip, select Help, then scroll to the rightmost page to see the IP address, serial number, and subnet mask.
You can also use an application called Bonjour Browser or, on Windows, Zeroconf Neighborhood Explorer to obtain the IP address of your Paca(rana). When you run Bonjour Browser, under _osc._udp and beslime-## (where ## is the number of your Pacarana), it will tell you the IP address of your Paca(rana).
Once you know the IP address, you can enter enter it by hand into the OSC device or application set up.
NB: The Paca(rana) port number is always 8000.