Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming by PETER VAN ROY and SEIF HARIDI is a nearly 1000 page book that covers just about everything in programming. This is a PDF draft that is free to download, but will be removed when the book is published.
-- DavidKiers - 14 Jan 2004
Note that this is a book on programming languages and models in general, not specifically about the Smalltalk language. It looks like a really good book!
-- CarlaScaletti - 14 Jan 2004
Thought I'd share some tips for people who are coming from a procedural language background such as C/C++/Java. I had first tried reading "Getting The Message" Smalltalk resources as my first tutorial but found it to be coming from too much of a purist's perspective. It doesn't give someone used to other languages a pragmatic way to compare language constructs. The other thing is that I learn by doing, so getting a real Smalltalk environment running is extremely helpful as well. I stumbled upon this tutorial. Tutorial and Smalltalk for Java/C programmers I installed the latest version of "Squeak" from here Squeak The tutorial uses Squeak to actually do the examples and compares Java constructs to Smalltalk constructs. This was a very fast way for me to get oriented and now I have a smalltalk environment to try stuff out in that gives more information than what is available in Kyma. -- ChrisLloyd - 05 Dec 2010