OSCKymaMidi is an external for Max and Max For Live written by AndrewCapon that sends bidirectional MIDI streams over OSC to and from Kyma.
AC Toolbox: Paul Berg's algorithmic composition toolbox, written in LISP, can generate and send control values directly to the Capybara via the Flame Firewire interface. Discuss?
capy Max External by GregWuller: Like David's flame object, the capy object can send controller values from Max to the Capybara via the Firewire interface but it adds support for Global Maps as well as being a Universal Binary.
AlphatrackOSC by GarthPaine. This little Max app that uses JavaScript to parse the MIDI messages from the Frontier Designs Alphatrack, and output them as OSC messages. This allows users, with the use of OSCulator, to seamlessly pass the control messages to Kyma. It provides control messages back to the Alphatrack so that the LED's toggle on/off and the volume, knobs and touch strip states are reported on the LCD.
localTime_OSCexample.zip by JonBellona: interface/tutorial for communicating between Kyma and Max with OSC. Uses LocalTime from Kyma for quick and dirty example. A second example shoots LocalTime over to Max then to TouchOSC for performers wishing to see the Kyma TL LocalTime (which is stopped by Wait Untils!). Additional controls sent back from TouchOSC to Kyma for performance control of the Kyma TL. Meant for learning communication with OSC to Max, but also great for performers who cannot see the computer screen and Kyma Timeline timer.
LocalTimeStandalone.zip: An alternative version of Jon Bellona's time display that displays LocalTime in TouchOSC directly without having to go through Max. To use, press each of the four buttons on the first TouchOSC page, then switch to the second page to observe the clock.