kyma•tweaky . Share . MIDIFileAnalogSequencerDiscussion

This idea was suggested by AndrewPurdy. It lets you read data into the AnalogSequencer fields from a MIDI file. Of course the MIDI file channel that you read should be monophonic (to match the AnalogSequencer).

Once you have read it into Kyma, you can do other transformations to it (like controlling loop start and end, going through it backwards, mixing it with other sequencers, putting it into the Timeline, etc).

N.B. One annoying aspect of this example, the AnalogSequencer will ask you whether the variables represent Arrays or elements of an array. Just keep clicking Array until it stops asking you.

-- CarlaScaletti - 09 Mar 2004

----- Revision r1.1 - 09 Mar 2004 - 21:24 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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