I use this program to create step sequences in the form of wavetables in Kyma. The idea is to create the step sequence using an ordinary MIDI sequencer, and then to convert it to an envelope that can be used to modulate parameters in Kyma. A MIDI note value of 0 corresponds to a zero value in the envelope, and a MIDI note value of 127 corresponds to 1 in the envelope. Note velocity is not used in this version, but I plan to experiment with using velocity as a parameter to a smoothing function on the transition from one note value to the next. I.e., a velocity of 127 might correspond to an immediate change in the envelope value, whereas a velocity of 1 might correspond to a slow change in the envelope's value.
To use the program, create a new sample file, pull up one of the "program" generators, and paste it in place of the program text that's there. Press INSERT as usual to run the program.
-- LuddyHarrison - 13 Sep 2007