kyma•tweaky . Share . MusicAvailableForPerformance

Music Available for Performances

Please include the name of the piece, the approximate duration, resources required, formats available (e.g. Kyma Timeline, 8 AIFF disk tracks, CD, DVD etc), input devices required, whether or not there is a score, and a link to your contact information and (where possible) an MP3 excerpt or online video of prior performance

Imaginary Music for Elephants -- CarlaScaletti - 17 Nov 2008

Duration: 9'30"

Format: Kyma Timeline

Resources: 3 small elephants, 3 microphones, 8 output channels

Input devices: 3 extra large Wii Boards

Graphical score available


----- Revision r1.1 - 17 Nov 2008 - 01:21 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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