kyma•tweaky . Share . OSCulatorDiscussion


Open Sound Control and Kyma integration.

Visit the website for user's manual and up-to-date downloads.

-- CamilleTroillard - 21 Sep 2006

Thank's a lot!!

This was the missing piece in my system. I am delighted. Regards /Lasse

-- LarsViklund - 22 Sep 2006

Hi, Is there any hope for a Windows version? I'd love to have high-res communication between Max/MSP and Kyma on my PC. Thanks!

-- MatthewCarpenter - 23 Jan 2007

Wonderful tool! Thanks a lot!

-- CarlosAugusto - 30 Jun 2007

----- Revision r1.8 - 15 Oct 2009 - 10:11 GMT - CamilleTroillard
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