kyma•tweaky . Share . PacaMidiDiscussion

PacaMidi is an "accessory" for Symbolic Sound's Paca(rana) device. It is a "virtual MIDI interface" that links two physical MIDI devices and one or more software applications to the Paca(rana), negating the need for physical MIDI interfaces on the Paca(rana) and Mac. This diagram illustrates what PacaMidi can do. For more on how PacaMidi fits in the Kyma OSC picture see PacaMidi.

A single user license is $19.95 USD, or €15,95 euro. PacaMidi can be purchased via credit card at A fully functioning time-limited demo is available by request.

-- Doug Kraul, Harmony Systems, Inc., makers of Delora Software's PacaMidi - updated 28 Jun 2010


----- Revision r1.4 - 28 Jun 2010 - 11:49 GMT - DouglasKraul
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