kyma•tweaky . Share . VCFTransformDiscussion

VCF-Transform, the Mouse-To-Event tool on steroids...

This Tool should be used with the Jarre-Pad Sound from DavidMcClain (21 May 2001) which I´ve edited to make use of the VCF filter sound.

This Tool can be used to control the Resonance, Cutoff, and Oscillator frequencies. Events can be recorded and played back using the appropriate buttons for each tool segment. Use Mem to alter the amount of events being recorded/played back (Code re-used from the Mouse-to-event.pci and the logisticMap.pci tools).

The BPM controls playback speed and the fader under BPM controls the (actually this control doesn´t currently work 100%!! Some bugs to iron out won´t however crash Kyma! It´s still 95% usable :) ratio at which the second tool segment plays back to the first.

Another thing is that the Button logic is not yet fully debugged - you´ll notice this for example you start playing an event sequence before you have toggled the record button to stop recording. I´ve created a similar tool for use with reverb and other sounds - which I´ll post later - when the bugs are gone.

-- AndrewPurdy - 21 Nov 2003

----- Revision r1.1 - 22 Nov 2003 - 17:40 GMT - KurtHebel
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