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vKA is a Mac OSX "user agent" program that transforms your Akai APC40 hardware controller into a Kyma Virtual Control Surface. It delivers most of the features of the VCS in an intuitive, easy to use manner. You can use the APC40's sixteen smooth action rotary controls, and its numerous lighted push button switches, to interact with your Kyma sonic creations in a natural, inspiring manner. And since vKA fully supports the same control banking standard that Kyma uses with the MotorMix and vM2 you can readily accesses more than eight VCS faders and rotaries. vKA uses full bi-directional communications with the VCS so current settings values are always reflected on the APC40's handy "LED rings", and by lighting switches, even when you change the sound by manipulating Kyma's VCS with a mouse.

Use of vKA does not in any way compromise the APC40's superior control of Ableton Live. You can use the APC40 to control Live and a Kyma sound at the same time, seamlessly switching between the two without missing a beat. If you already use Live and an APC40 on stage along side Kyma then you may find that the APC40 with vKA is all you need to give an inspired, hands-on performance. But even if you do not use Live, vKA with an APC40 is an excellent, affordable way to add tactile control and VCS integration to your Kyma creations, making it an essential ingredient for any Kyma studio. For more information please visit vKA.

A single user license is $39.95 USD, or €32,95 EUR. It can be purchased via credit card at A fully functioning time-limited demo is available by request.

-- Doug Kraul, Harmony Systems, Inc., makers of Delora Software's vKA - updated 28 Jun 2010


----- Revision r1.2 - 28 Jun 2010 - 11:53 GMT - DouglasKraul
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