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A web site reflecting the collective expertise of the Kyma community.

Honey from the Hive Mind of the Kyma collective.

Share Kyma Sounds, samples, Timelines, Tools, and other files...
Encourage Sound Sharing: If you download a Sound and love the results, click the Discussion link and let the Sound designers know you how much you appreciate their sonic prowess!

Third-party developers

In addition to the freely shared sounds and software above, here are links to some commercially available Sound libraries, interface applications, microsounds, and Kyma-compatible hardware developed by third parties and sold directly from their websites:

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----- Revision r1.68 - 23 Feb 2016 - 17:37 GMT - DouglasKraul
Copyright © 1999-2014 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding kyma•tweaky? Send feedback.