kyma•tweaky . User . 031201CarlaScaletti

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Music Technology (Two Posts)

Deadline: 01 Dec 2003
Requirement: Doctorate
Employer: De Montfort University, Leicester UK
Contact: Dr John Young
Leicester -- UK

Job Description:
Salary range: £22,191 - £34,191

Two posts are available to contribute to the delivery of the Music, Technology and Innovation B.A. (Hons.) degree. You will have an interest in any field of music technology, however, with these posts the School seeks in particular to develop its undergraduate provision in any of the following: digital music composition, interactive music systems, multimedia applications, sound recording practice, electroacoustic music studies, digital/post digital music cultures and/or popular music and technology. You will be expected to make a significant contribute to a thriving research culture.

To apply:
Initial informal enquiries may be directed to Dr John Young.

Send official applications to:

The Human Resources Team
De Montfort University
The Gateway
Leicester LE1 9BH
Tel: +44 116 250 6433 (24 hours answerphone)

Additional information (Any details or additional information that might help prospective applicants for this job):

The Music, Technnology and Innovation subject area at De Montfort University, Leicester is one of the UK's major centres for the study of music technology, based in the University's School of Media and Cultural Production. There is a Kyma system at De Montfort.

----- Revision r1.2 - 23 Nov 2003 - 21:29 GMT - KurtHebel
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