Bio: Francesco Galante was born in Rome. He studied electronic music with G. Nottoli, and at IMEB in Bourges with D. Keane, P. Boeswillwald and G. Baggiani. From 1980 to 1982 he was artistic director of Musica Verticale Association in Rome. Galante was co-founder of SIM (Society of Music Informatics) in Rome (1982-1990). He took part to ICMC in 1984 (IRCAM, Paris) and in 1986 (Royal Conservatoire of The Hague). He published two books devoted to electroacoustic music: Musica Espansa (co-author Nicola Sani) and Metafonie (co-author Luigi Pestalozza). In 1997 he was composer in-residence at IMEB in Bourges, where he realized the piece Il Mio Paese è la Notte. From 1998 to 2000 at Teatro alla Scala, Galante worked in collaboration with Luigi Pestalozza to the realization of the biennale cycle of electronic music Metafonie. He also has been scientific director of the international symposium "Musica e Tecnologia, domani." His music works have been performed in national and international leading institutions, and are recorded on CD by Fonit Cetra edts, Eshock editions, LIMEN editions, Twilight edts/ EMI Italy, CEMAT edts, and published by Ricordi. Francesco Galante is professor of electronic music at Conservatory of Music of Cosenza city.