kyma•tweaky . User . JacekTuschewski

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Bamboo Mind - Vanguard Music, Sound & Visual Art Research and Development
A focus point for exploring sensory realms. Perception and reality intertwine as experimentation and discovery lead to enlightenment. To fuse the combined efforts of collaborators to realise collective dreams. Works currently underway include joint ventures in the areas of:

    Music Technology (software, hardware and acoustics)
    Music Productions (recording, mixing, processing and mastering)
    Visual development (user interfaces, sound visualisation…)

My Halo 3 Stats - Yes I am hopelessly hooked on Halo (If you do not play you are missing out on something quite special).

Perhaps the best way to understand what I am about is to look at my work. My approach to sound is very similar to painting, layer upon layer of manipulation and nothing is off-limits. One of my goals is to make a painting using sound. In many ways I think Immortal Memory is a very good start because it is a painting of an CD album. Every part is represented by a song on the album and vise versa.

Immortal Memory is a combination of acrylics, oils, inks and digital graphics.

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----- Revision r1.2 - 24 May 2009 - 14:47 GMT - JacekTuschewski
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