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I'm an IT management consultant based in Toronto and a life-long student of the nature of reality. Although I don't work in music professionally, electroacoustic music is a major hobby for me.
I first discovered electronic music around 1970 when my Grade 7 teacher played some Jean-Jacques Perry. I was immediately hooked. I built a PAIA synth from a kit in high school, then an Altair 8800, started listening to ELP, and my fate was sealed. I have quite the collection of semi-baked pieces, and a couple that are in finished form that have been played at festivals.
Favorite books: Godel Escher Bach, The Feynman Lectures, The Emperor's New Mind, Clockwork Orange. I have to highly recommend Visual Complex Analysis by Tristan Needham if you're looking for something on the underlying math of signal processing.
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